Monday, July 13, 2020

Project 3, Part 2


Exterior daylight & interior artificial daylight 

Indoor lighting 



1 comment:

  1. Hi Lydia! I really like this set of images, and all of them fit the project's criteria. The first image is interesting to me, because the reflection is somewhat subtle. The flamingo is a clear focal point, and his reflection in the water is an afterthought, which is cool to me. I also like how close it is to the edges of the frame. I am very compelled by the third and fourth images as well. The composition of each is well done for different reasons. The third image appears a bit static, but the streak of light captured above the picture brings some movement and life into the piece. The fourth image has so many lines working well to create movement and interest. I think it was a very good subject to pick for the flash category. The silhouette image, I wish was a bit brighter and a bit closer to the subject. I find the windows to the left and right a little distracting, as well as the amount of black and blue above and below the subject- they feel like they take up too much of the image to me. Great job!


Project 6 - Final Sequence