Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Research & Write: Cartier-Bresson Image Critique



             I was searching through the various photos trying to select an image to critique when this picture jumped out at me. I picked this image because of the instant curiosity that I got when first viewing it. I immediately wanted to know more about the photograph – what city was this taken in? What mood is the picture portraying? In what year was this taken? - and so on.

            The overall composition of this photo is well captured. Nothing too dramatic is taking place and the atmosphere is simple yet intriguing. The darkness of the two buildings brought my eyes straight to the person and animal. The darkness and lines of buildings on both the left and the right side of the frame direct my attention toward the focal point of this image – the two silhouettes in the brighter, center portion of the frame. While primarily focusing on the silhouette figures, the picture also takes my gaze up along to the center of the frame where the buildings meet the sky. Because the top of the picture lacks detail my eyes are taken back down to the primary focus of the frame.
            The picture may also bring viewers to these following questions; Is the person upset? Are they in a dark alleyway for a reason? I believe the photographer planned this picture to give possible answers to those questions. It appears that the figures’ positioning in this picture are intentional. I think that he planned his seating with reason.
            When I look at this image I see the author capturing simplicity. Both my eyes and thoughts were captured by the interaction between the two main characters in this picture. My interpretation of this image is the author capturing a moment of stillness. The picture may be demonstrating kindness because of the way that the man has gotten down onto the cat’s level to avoid intimidation. The person in the center of the frame has in some way disclosed to the cat that he is nothing to be feared. Getting down on someone’s level and being still is a simple yet effective way to communicate intentions, and this I believe was a message that was demonstrated by this photograph.

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Project 6 - Final Sequence